Sunday, October 9, 2011

In the Begining....

Today marks my first foray into the world of blogging. I have been reading other peoples blogs quite often over the past few months (usually some sort of menswear blog) but I had never given a thought to writing my own until my wife suggested it after she saw I was following another menswear blog pertaining to the art of thrifting. You see, some months ago I stumbled upon the very great blog An Affordable Wardrobe, if you haven't checked it out, I must advise you to do so immediately. Here I had found a kindred soul who shares his musings on the sad state of men's clothing and tips on how to be a better dressed individual, but the best part is that most of his clothes come from thrift stores. So this blog is going to be in the similar vein, I didn't want to step on any toes but I figured that I'm in the Midwest anyway, which is far from the east coast in terms of thrifitng destinations and that I could give my own take on the theme. So here's to you Giuseppe, thanks for the inspiration!

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