Friday, March 15, 2013

Back in the saddle


All right ladies and gents, I know it's been a really long time since I rapped with you, but I'm posting to let you know, I'm still alive and thrifting! It's been about a year since my last post, and I've learned so much about clothing and quality and thrifting in general, that I thought it time to fire up the ol blog again. I would like to change the direction slightly, and post daily about my findings and show some up close pictures of fabrics and such. Ok, here we go.
   I went out to a few of my local spots yesterday, but since I didn't have much time before work, I was kind of in a rush. I passed on a wonderful Ralph Lauren Purple Label (RLPL) pink gingham shirt with what looked like a small spot of wax right below the collar. Such a shame, the cloth was really fantastic. What I did pick up however, is this beautiful Gitman Bros yellow gingham shirt with a button down collar and smoked mother of pearl buttons. Gitman Bros is up there with some of my favorite shirts, but remember, as with any clothing company, they went through a period (mostly the 90's) in which they turned out a lot of shit. So be forewarned. This is not one of those shirts, made in the USA with 100% cotton and an unlined collar, it doesn't get much better than this. Dig.

I believe Gitman shirts, new, retail around $200. So paying $3.99 for a mint specimen in my size was not even a question.
      I love paisley, just ask my wife. So when I spotted these two amazing scarfs, I immediately had to go in for a closer inspection. The patterns and detail are superb! The tag mentions that they are silk and wool numbers by Grant Thomas. Not a name one usually looks out for whilst thrifting, and made in China is usually a deal breaker for me, but these were too beautiful to pass up. Plus, all winter accessory's were half off at this particular store, so I snagged both for $3.

 And finally, I picked up this ipod dock for our kitchen. Usually when either of us it cooking and we want to listen to music, we would have to crank up the record player in the living room and even then, the sound was less than optimal. $5 and works like a charm.

So that's my first post back in the blog game, hopefully it wont be another year before you hear from me again. Cheers!

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